Many of you know this little man that I photographed this past weekend. Many of you may not. Allow me to share. Baby "M" was born on November 18, 2009. He was a healthy little one, weighing in at a little over 8 pounds. Just a three weeks after he was born, he was rushed to the Children's Hospital emergency room. Doctors there discovered some heart problems; a coarctation of the aorta and a VSD (aka "a hole in the heart"). He had surgery to repair the coarcation just a couple days later. The VSD would be closely monitored to see if surgery was needed or not. After a couple months, his cardiologist felt the hole would not close on its own and it would be beneficial to go ahead and repair it. At 4 months old, baby "M" was having open heart surgery. Two months later he's "a brand new baby" as his mommy says! Happy, healthy and full of giggles and smiles...he's a cutie!! He's faced many challenges in the short time he's been with us but, oh how awesome to see how God has worked in his little life already! He's got BIG plans for this little guy and I'm so thankful to be able to capture these moments and watch him grow!!!! Warning: there's a TON of cuteness to follow!!! :o)