Thursday, January 17, 2013

Just to Remember

I will probably update my Facebook profile info soon but I still love what it currently says.  I don't want to forget it so I'm posting it here.  I'm just a nerd like that. :o)

If the challenge you are facing doesn't place a demand on your faith, it neither pleases God nor involves Him.

Daughter.Sister.Aunt.Friend.Wife.Mother.  I identify with each of these.  I love being my mother’s daughter; Being a little sister and a big sister; Being an aunt to all 11 (so far) of my nieces and nephews; Being a friend. I am blessed to be a wife to an amazing man and I adore being a mother to my beautiful little girl.  I am walking in a season of redemption, peace, promise, fulfillment, amazement, hope, expectancy, victory, blessing, triumph, freedom and so much more.  My faith in the God who created everything that exists and knit me together is more secure in this moment than ever before in my life.  I have walked through the valley of decision.  I have struggled to really know the truth of what I claimed to have believed.  I have questioned the existence of my Maker.  I have cried out in hopelessness and despair.  I have seen dark days.  I have pondered my purpose.  I have been angry.broken.confused.hurt.discouraged.and.yet.determined --- Determined to discover Jesus in His fullness…in His Word.  Determined to really know who God is and search for Him through a childlike innocence.  I sought.  I found.  He IS real.  HE IS Truth.  He was the Light in my darkness.  He IS the Light on this new journey.  I AM confident of this:  HE IS FAITHFUL!  (1 Thess. 5:24)  God has opened more doors, poured out more blessings, revealed so much to Jordan and me, than ever before.  I stand AMAZED, simply amazed at who He is and that He would consider us for even the slightest thing.  Yet He’s entrusted us with so much in just a short span of time.  Why?  Because He believes in us.  He is confident in us.  He is for us.  We cannot fail.  We can do ALL things through Him.  And even still, this is only the beginning.  The mountaintops are fun but oh, how I cherish the valleys.  It is there my faith was shaken and there my faith was formed.  I would never appreciate the mountaintop without the lessons learned in the valley.  Thank You Lord for Your grace, Your mercy, Your unconditional love.  Thank You for seeing within me, what I could never see without You.  YOU ARE FAITHFUL!  May my life ALWAYS bring YOU glory….