Friday, September 20, 2013

Thomas Family ~ 9 month session

A child's smile.  The wonder in their eyes.  Every mother knows they melt your heart and fill you with such joy.  

Every time I've started a session with this little cutie, he's uncertain.  Sometimes he cries a little bit.  But we always manage to bring out the smiles and we get adorable images like the sneak peek below.  Now, we may or may not have had a little help from my sister....or A LOT of help from my sister...but....we got smiles and that's what counts!!!  ;op  I call her my "golden ticket" because she's a MUST HAVE on every shoot I do with Ava or she just will not pay any attention to me.  Photographer's kid.  Go figure! :op  

Sweet little Hudson is 9 months old now and if he gets any cuter, I may have to keep him for myself!! (You wouldn't mind, would you, Shelly?!)  I've been taking his pictures since he was just a teeny weeny little babe in his mommy's tummy and I still cannot deal with how quickly times flies.  He can already stand straight up from a sitting position so I am expecting to be chasing him around for his 1 year session in December.  Don't you wish they could all stay little?!  Cherish these moments mommy and daddy.  Cherish, cherish, cherish them.  He'll start kindergarten before you know it!!  :o)


1 comment:

  1. Oh my oh my! They are superb as always! I love your pictures, I love your blog, I love your kids and of course I love you! Amazing! I always enjoy helping with your sessions, especially with Ava! I hope Pierce finds me as funny as she does! LoL

    Do I get to pick which one I want Shelly? I mean, I am the "golden ticket" and all? LoL
