Sunday, August 4, 2013


(photo by Taylor Haynie Photography)

It's been 1,826 days, 260 weeks, 60 months, 5 whole, gone-by-entirely-way-too-fast, years since this beautiful little girl that I am blessed to call my daughter, was so graciously gifted to us.  I never knew what to expect five years ago.  I never knew my heart could love so much, love so deeply, love so big, love so selflessly.  I never knew I could be challenged in so many ways to be better, to grow more, to learn more, to love more, apologize more and even to forgive more.  

You are fun, full of joy and full of life.  You never cease to make us laugh.  You are so incredibly smart and the most beautiful little girl in the world.  Your personality is so bubbly, silly and sweet.  You always make us smile.  You have a compassionate heart and a gentle spirit.  You are loving and caring and it makes this mommy's heart smile.  You love bedtime stories, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, night time prayers and my personal favorite, star kisses!  You have a quirky little love for dressing up and picking out your own outfits.  Some make me chuckle while others impress me because it actually looks good but I would not have put it together in that way.  I love your hugs.  I love your laughter.  I love the cute little freckles that have recently popped up on your sweet cheeks.  I love the sparkle in your eyes.  I love your wavy, curly blonde hair that I prayed so desperately for God to give you.  I love that you still have your baby lovey and that you still suck your thumb.  It reminds me of your sweet innocence even though I know Baby will be just a memory before long and you'll stop sucking your thumb.  You are growing into a big girl and I'm clinging to every ounce of babyhood I can...not too tightly, but clinging nonetheless.

(photo by Taylor Haynie Photography)

You became a Big Sister this year, just seven weeks ago.  I wondered how I could love another baby as much as I love you but God gives us so much love to share.  I wondered how you would adjust with another baby for mommy and daddy to love on.  You have been AMAZING!!  You love on your baby brother in such a sweet, gentle way.  You have been a tremendous help to mommy.  Pierce has such a great big sister to look up to and I am so incredibly proud of you.  I pray you both have a special bond and closeness as the years pass by and that you will be the best of friends.

In just a couple of weeks you will start Kindergarten.  From the time we celebrated your very first birthday, I realized how quickly this time would come but I'm still wrestling with how we arrived so soon.  I know you will love being back in a "school" environment and you will do so well and learn so much.  You love being social and will make so many new friends and I have no doubt you will have a ton of fun.  I pray your teacher has a sweet, kind and gentle spirit and that God will help her play a special part in drawing out the best in you.  You have many more years of school ahead of you.  This is still just the beginning of the beautiful journey God has for you.  I'm in awe simply watching you grow and discovering the uniqueness that God placed inside you as He intricately knit you together all these years ago.  Your Daddy and I are so blessed to call you ours.

(photo by Taylor Haynie Photography)

Happy Birthday sweet girl!!  We love you beyond expression.  


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